

Decks from Akamarucup & JCG Million Cup

Separation test of translated articles. And it's fst time for me writing down about decks in English. Plz tell me something is wrong or unclear about what I supposed to say, thank you.


Decklists I used in #Akamarucup and JCG Million Cup...

Akamarucup was right before Million Cup, and it was good opportunity to test my decks with some additional cards on BO3.

Let's take a look more.



DECK 1 Belphomet's Puppet Portalcraft

Akamarucup ver.


JCG ver.


How to use the deck

I did think that "Belphomet, Lord of Aiolon" is quite interesting card, and decided to make Machina and Puppet Portal. Many of the followers' cost are light, so use them as damage sources to the opponent's leader, keep the board wide with followers, and then finish with evolved "Lishenna, Omen of Destruction" or "Maisha, Hero of Purgation". That's the basic plan.

Get Lishenna or Maisha with Mulligan. "Disciple of Destruction" is a draw source, but it's more valuable after Belphomet's fanfare activated or "Puppet Troupemaster" evolution. So you don't have to keep one on mulligan.


Early strategy

If you think Lishenna can evolve soon, keep some "Puppet" in your hand. Because deck has plenty of clearing cards, you can take the board after evolving Lishenna. In early timing, few classes can sweep the board, so keep your board having light followers and gain damage to opponent leader.

When the opponent moves quickly aggressive, use your Puppet to clear enemy followers. Stay patient, and look for the turning point.


Mid game strategy

Evolve Lishenna. That's all.

...No, just kidding. Evolve Lishenna or Puppet TroupemasterTroupemaster helps your destroyed follower count growing up, and enables you draw 2 cards for 1 turn. The effect is useful for every winning plans of this deck, it means faster evolution, faster you win.

And, do the similar things as earlier time. Make your board, make your time and destroy count for the lethal turn.


Closing strategy

After you play Artifacs from Lishenna or get ready for Maisha, find the chance to play Belphomet. "Alecto, the Dissonant" is a bit bringdown follower for this deck, but all those Machina divine cards are strong enough for the lethal in a long game.

Without Belphomet, use "Gullias, Silverbeast Lord" or "Mechawinged Angel" as board clearing cards. Then ultimately, finishing the game with "Destruction in Black" or "Purgation's Bladewould be the best.


Avantage - disadvantage

Advan: Aggro decks, Sword, Robo-Shadow, Robo-Blood, Spell-Rune, Evo-Forest

Disad: St.Lion-Haven, Cocyutus-Dragon

Basically it's super game-controlling deck. It's not so hard to handle any match with many classes, but match against decks that can easily prepare and reach for lethal could be hard ones.

Except those, you can reach to win with this deck, I think! Especially against Spellboost Runecraft, you can easily win with aggro plan or library out.


Various structures

In early timing, need to keep Puppets, which means you have to be patient for face damage. "Destruction in White" is the only restore source for the deck, so adding "Catherine, Epicurean Angel" would help.

Adding too much of Machina cards makes your deck very heavy after Belphomet is active, (like 10 of over 8 cost cards or so) you need to think about the number of Machina cards. Of course, too low is not efficient, so around 12 including Belphomet is the best, I think.

And also, number of draw source is changable... not too many is the best.


DECK 2 Robo Bloodcraft

I've used the same lists in both Akamarucup and Million cup.


How to use the deck

First of all, まず第一に、don't think that "Slayn, Steelwrought Vampire" has Storm.

This follower is just an object that can get Drain or Rush, if you are lucky. Think like "oh, this can be lethal card" and play like that, destroy count of Machina follower never grows, or maybe you'll lose some cards you need. This is  just a follower to remove enemy fatty one, or to restore health if necessary.

The other things you have to do is the same on the article I wrote before (written in Japanese). At mulligan, keep draw source or light Machina follower. If you have "Destructive Succubus", keep draw source and evolutin gimmick cards. Pretty easy, huh?


Early to mid game strategy

In early time, grow your destroy count of Machina followers. That's all.

Oh, don't forget attacking opponent leader ;)


At the middle of game, basics won't change. Growing evolution count for Succubus would allow you to reset the board and deal face damage in the future.

トも稼ぐことで、終盤以降で有利なボードを作ることができます。要所Fight on the board and avoid lethal with playing Wards or restoring leader health.


Closing game

When opponent's lethal is near, try to set your MAchina followers remain on board. "Alpha Drive" can make your board stronger and grow evolution count for Succubus.


Advantage - disadvantage

Advan: St.Lion-Haven, Dragon, Robo-Shadow

Disad: Sword, Spell-Rune, Portal

These ad/disad are some noticable ones. Against Saint Lion Havencraft, doing aggro move can lead you to lethal in 7 turns or so. Against Swordcraft, the thief "Octorice, Omen of Usurpation" and "Ivory Sword dance" are critical cards to this deck.

But actually, on almost every disadvantaged match, aggro plan in early time can lead you to win. How much you deal damage to leader and how much you earn destroy count are the key in early time.

Also, it's easy for this deck to switch between offense and deffense. Unless you fail to switch, there won't be a huge disadvantage, I think... except Spellboost Runecraft.


Various structures

Because of what I wrote above, only 1 Slayn would be OK. Even you can change to Catherine. lol

"Liberte, Werewolf Pup" might be too defensive. You already have restore source, so it can be changed to more offensive cards like "Razory Claw".

"Doublame, Duke and Dame" can make your deck more interesting. It's useful for both offense and defense, compatible with the deck. ..and, Owlcat is creepy cute.

"Hnikar, Warring Thunder" and "Jafnhar, Warring Flame" are only useful for board clean up except for Succubus's count growing. (And it is one of the biggest reasons the deck got disadvantage from Runcraft) So you don't have to add 3 for each of those two war gods, 2 is enough. If you want the less, then remove all and add "Hellblaze Demon" or "Summon Bloodkin" instead. Won't lose your tempo and helps easy lethal.






